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Everyday Hero: Linda

April 23, 2021

Linda Marquez Hernandez

Phlebotomy and Processor Supervisor, Laboratory Services @ Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton

“Don’t let anyone say that your work is not important”

What is your favorite part of your job?

Being able to talk to everybody (Phlebotomist, MT’s, Doctors, RN’s, and most important Patients)


Who are your “everyday heroes” in the work place?

Phlebos of course, they will walk miles to collect all the specimens in the hospital.


What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Don’t let anyone say that your work is not important.


Who inspires you and why?

My natal country (Venezuela), everything is so poor and little there, that I want one day go back and share all the knowledge that I have acquired in the past years working here (US), because I will make such a huge impact in the health of Venezuelan people.


Share a defining moment in your life and career.

Migrate to the US, and be able to take and pass the license exam for my career (MLS). I never thought that I could practice my career outside of my country.


What your most proud accomplishment?

My two boys.


What is your personal motto?

I can do whatever I set my mind to.


What advice would you have for a student entering into this job?

Stay up to date, but don’t forget the old ways because sometimes those are the ones that will save you.


Since you are our everyday hero, if you were to have one superhero power, what power would it be and why?

Teletransportation, because I could go anywhere in a second.


What is your greatest motivation?​ 

My boys and also that this life is too short.


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